Monday, May 10, 2010

Writing a novel

I am on medication that causes me to have intense wacky dreams (a very strange side effect.) I have dreamt things that are so bizarre I can't imagine where my mind got the ideas from. The other night my dream turned a little unusual. I dreamt a long and complicated story in which I was someone else. There was a cool plot, subplots, and side characters as well. I woke up thinking it would make an interesting novel or movie. Seeing as I have virtually no video-making or editing skills I have decided to try to write it out as a novel.

On one of my podcasts I learned about NaNoWriMo which is a website where you can sign up to dedicate yourself to writing an entire novel in the month of November. November is quite a ways away. I still decided to join since I can use the time beforehand to create character descriptions and plot outlines as well as prepare myself mentally.

I don't know if I will ever complete or publish the novel, but I intend to thoroughly enjoy myself during the entire writing and creative process.

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