Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The True Completionist Challenge for Fallout 4

The purpose of the True Completionist Challenge is to get as close to 100% complete as possible in one playthrough of Fallout 4.

To qualify for a successful challenge:

Minimum 10 points in each SPECIAL
Minimum level 150
Peaceful Endings
All DLCs
All Side Quests
All Misc Quests
All unmarked quests
All companion affinities and romances
All Bobbleheads
All Magazines
All Settlements
    one each shop
    one each workbench
    one built house
    one built greenhouse
    one barn or pen
    all supply line connected
    all buildings lit
    80% happiness
    100 security
All map markers found
All top tier recruitable vendors
All types full power armors
Keep all legendaries
All Holotapes
All Notes
All Keys
All clothing items
All armor types
All weapon types
All armor and weapon mods
All ammo types
One each junk and misc items
Build one of each working contraption
Each food item
Each chem item


-For items that must turn in for quests-will show on camera that item is in inventory. Completing quest takes precedence over keeping item.

-If quests can only be completed by breaking the plan for peaceful then will not be completed. Peaceful endings take precedence.

-If quests glitch will try to go back to previous save and fix. If still glitched will continue without quest if possible

-Will play on normal, but if unable to complete quests due to difficulty will reduce to very easy

-Mods, food, and chems can be either crafted, bought, or found

-Will probably stream some, but not all, of the gameplay

-Will try to upload one video per day, probably about 1 hour long each

-Why do this?
I have played through this game at least 20 times and have still not seen all the game has to offer. So this challenge has been developing in my mind for several months due to a desire to experience as close to 100% of the game as possible with one character. Most 100% runs involve merely completing most quests, DLCs, and collecting the bobbleheads and magazines. That just didn't seem enough to me.

-Why peaceful endings?
There is no way to complete every quest in the game in one sitting. The peaceful endings of the main storyline and DLC stories allow the character to play through the most faction side and radiant quests.

-Why not use mods?
I seriously considered using mods. There are two mods that specifically would help prevent me from getting a migraine due to game elements. However, as I planned this challenge I realized that parts of the series would be off air (especially the cataloguing of items in the spreadsheet I created.) I didn't want anyone to be able to come back and say I cheated in items off the air. The only way to prove this would be to never use a mod with this save file since by doing so the file would be marked as modded.

-Why on normal?
I always play the game on very easy. Playing on normal will be a big challenge for me. If someone else wants to do this challenge on survival they are free to do so, but that is not for me, not now anyways.

-Why on Xbox One?
I have the game on all available systems and have gotten all the achievements so far on each. I chose the Xbox for this series mainly because I had the fewest game breaking glitches with it. It also helps that the way I record it would be more reliable and produce better quality video than with the PC version.

-What if it is a terrible failure?
I will likely start over if the failure is due to a corrupt save or a game breaking glitch. If it's because I missed some quests or items and am unable to obtain them anymore, I probably will let it slide unless I am totally unhappy with the series and want to try again.

Thanks for reading. If you have any questions the best way to get an answer is to leave it in a comment on one of my videos.
My YouTube Channel
My Twitch channel