Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Frustration in paper

I hate paperwork. A simple form that merely asks for my basic information is fine. I can handle that. But anything further I cannot stand. For some reason it gets me incredibly stressed and that, in turn, causes a killer migraine.

Naturally the government likes to dole out loads of this paperwork onto citizens, who then have the burden of listing every detail of their lives. Lately doctors and lawyers have also begun to request large amounts of information via a multitude of paperwork as well. So then, since I am dealing with the government, doctors, and lawyers regarding my and my children's disabilities I am up to my neck with paperwork. I want to scream. Then crawl back into bed. And stay there.

The best I can do is to work on it a little bit and then either leave the rest for another day or ask for help.

Today I asked for help. The person who I asked to help me thinks I am just being lazy, when in actuality I am trying to preserve my sanity and health. This person should know that as well as I do, yet they still make these comments and try to bring me down.

So what should a good Catholic Christian do? In this case I am choosing to not make excuses for myself to this person, since I do not want to argue about their validity, yet I am still asking for help because I need it. I hope this is the right choice.

*sigh* I really really hate paperwork.

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