Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Celebrating Catholic Media Promotion Day

Today is Catholic Media Promotion Day. In honor of this, I am going to share some of my favorite Catholic resources on the internet.


Maria Johnson's blog is funny and thoughtful. She is a real person who likes to have fun and love God.

Sarah Reinhard's blog is full of country Catholic mom mayhem.

Fr. Philip Neri Powell, OP, PhD's blog is a splash of Dominican goodness. I especially love his Coffee Cup Browsing posts.


I was introduced to SQPN via the wonderful SaintCast. It's still a favorite of mine.

Catholic in a Small Town is funny and full of real life stuff, Catholic and otherwise.

Since I'm a Lay Dominican and love Scriptures I really really love The Word, which is a podcast of various Dominican family members preaching on the readings of the day.

Other Media: (My favorite Catholic YouTube channels)


Irish Dominicans

Daniel Smrokowski

Random Catholic Things Online:

My adopted patron saint

Dominican Catholic News

Bizarre news and speculations

My own projects:

My art on Deviant Art

My Twitter

I am working, slowly, on a possible video game Catholic podcast. But I don't have a website for it yet. I was thinking of naming it either the Faith-Filled Gamer or the Joyful Gamer. Any thoughts or comments on that would be appreciated. In the meantime you can look at my Raptr profile.

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